Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

Today I decided to start following Crossfit Endurance programming. Hopefully this will help get my running up to where it should be in comparison with other athletes.

DE: Sumo Deadlift 12 sets of 2 reps @ 65% of 1RM on 0:45
Post loads and reps to comments.
5-10 minutes then CFE S&C WOD

CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD:
“Litvinov Sprint”
3 rounds, each for time, of:
8 Front Squats, 75% 1RM
300m Sprint
Rest as needed between rounds. Post time to comments.

3+ Hours Before or After CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD or Strength & Conditioning Recovery
Choose ONE of the following sports:
Swim (SS Tue, 3S Mon): 10-15 x 50m on 1:00, hold efforts within 2-3 seconds
Bike (SS Tue, 3S Wed): 6-8 x 1k, spin/rest 1:00, hold efforts within 2-3 seconds
Run (SS Tue, 3S Tue): 4-6 x 400m, rest 1:00, hold efforts within 2-3 seconds
Row (SS Tue): 4-6 x 500m, rest 1:00, hold efforts within 2-3 seconds